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Art in the Library

The Library hosts art and photography exhibits throughout our space for the public to view during open hours.

We are always looking for new artists who would like to showcase their work. If you want to be considered for one of these spots, please fill out an application form.

Current Exhibits

ᐁᐃᔑᐧᐁᓵ eishiwesaa (I wonder)

Star Daughter Woman ᓄᐃᓐᑕᕋ

On display for the month of March in the Lower Lobby

My art is influenced by my journey connecting with my Cree & Ojibwe culture as well as the influence of being an art teacher to youth. The designs within my paintings involve a lot of movement and change of techniques and materials throughout different pieces. There are also the appearance of loose lines and colour that are not confined to space and “following inside the lines”. Working this way allows me to not feel confined to one medium and technique, but the freedom to practice and further create my own style that embraces the traditional painting style of the Cree. 

It's important to bring awareness around indigenous culture, especially in urban settings in order for our youth to have representation and to feel recognized through art. I hope to bring more awareness to the teachings of our sacred beliefs and knowledge from our Ancestors and our generation by connecting these stories together with art and creating art medicine in a way.

“I’d rather flow with the water, than stick like gum.” 

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