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There are several ways you can volunteer at the Library. Read on to see what opportunities are currently available.

The Library has a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Group made up of volunteer community members. The goal of this advisory group is to provide input, feedback, and ideas based on the lived/living experiences of group members, which will make the library's programs, services, and collections more inclusive for everyone in our community. 

If you'd like more information about the group, please email Mark Stewart at

Apply to join our DEI Advisory Group

Teen Reviewers

Join our Teen Reviewers and share your insights on books and media by creating reviews in a variety of formats. 

If you love to read and like sharing your opinions, we have a great volunteer opportunity for you!

Join our Teen Reviewers and share your insights on books and media by creating reviews in various formats. We'll focus on discussing and writing about books and media for different audiences and how to publish your literary opinions for the world to see.

Earn volunteer hours for participating in our monthly discussion and contributing reviews for a variety of media platforms.

When: Mondays, monthly, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm

Where: Zoom

Ages: 13 to 18

New members are welcome while space is available

Register for Teen Reviewers

Teen Library Ambassadors

We are looking for a group of teens to help us develop programs and services for other teens!

Our Teen Library Ambassadors (TLA): 

  • discuss ideas for collections and services in the Library 
  • plan and participate in programs and contests 
  • advise Library Staff on current trends and interests 
  • assist in promoting Library programs and services to peers in the community

Teen volunteers gain experience for work and school applications, develop leadership and teamwork skills, earn volunteer hours, and have a lot of fun along the way! 

The group meets at least once a month for an hour in person on Wednesday afternoons.

Apply to be a Teen Library Ambassador

All applicants will be contacted within two weeks and invited for a short (15-20 minute) online interview. 

The Friends of the Peterborough Public Library (FOL) are a group of dedicated library supporters who volunteer their time sorting through donations from the community and organizing and running semi-annual book sales.

The FOL also manages the books for sale in the lobby of the Main Library.

To volunteer, please call us at 705-745-5382 ext. 2339 or send the Friends a message on the FOL Facebook page.

The Visiting Library Service uses volunteer drivers to deliver books to homebound members in the City of Peterborough.

To learn more or to become a driver, contact the VLS Coordinator


Want to work at the Library?

When we are hiring, you can find job postings on the City of Peterborough careers page.

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