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Partnership Policy

The Peterborough Public Library welcomes a broad base of support from various sources within the Community to fulfill its mission. This policy sets out the requirements for business and community partnerships with the Library. 

The Library may work together with community groups, agencies or individuals. By developing partnerships within our community, the Peterborough Public Library is able to:

  • Extend and enhance our services in a sustainable way
  • Coordinate and reduce overlap in efforts between agencies serving the same area.


A Partnership is defined as a mutually beneficial collaboration between the Library and an external organization, individual, business, or community group. Partner contributions provide and/or promote activities, services, events and programs to the public in ways that are mutually beneficial.

Principles Governing Partnerships

The following principles will govern how the Peterborough Public Library approaches partnerships and related activities. Not all principles will apply in every case; however, these principles will be used to inform decision-making. 

We will partner where the individual, organization, or project:

  • Aligns with our organizational values
  • Shares common goals or objectives with the Library
  • Supports the Library’s mission, vision, and priorities
  • Enhances and does not compromise the Library’s image in the community
  • Does not jeopardize the equity of access to Library services
  • Is committed to ongoing evaluation of progress and continuous improvement
  • Is committed to collaborative, long-term strategies, not just short-term solutions
  • Is committed to creating numerous opportunities to engage all segments of the community
  • Is committed to and acknowledging partner's contributions through appropriate forms of recognition
  • Provides opportunities for all partners to meet their shared social responsibilities

Generally, partnerships should start modest and only grow after demonstrated success and alignment.

Partners should be committed to identify clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all involved.

Partnerships should be reviewed and affirmed annually through the use of an agreement. 

Roles and Responsibilities

All Library staff have the opportunity to identify new partnerships and the responsibility to nurture existing ones that advance the Library’s mission and strategic goals.

All staff are engaged in partnerships and are responsible for supporting effective communication and coordination of partnership activities.

The Library CEO is responsible for ensuring the Library Board is informed of and supports major partnership activities and initiatives. Library staff will work to seek out and advance potential partnerships consistent with this policy, however; when long term or major commitments involving staff time, library space or financial obligations are involved, Library Board approval will be required before finalizing agreements.

The CEO shall retain a file of all current partnership agreements.

Terminating Partnerships

The Peterborough Public Library reserves the right to terminate or withdraw from partnerships for reasons such as (but not limited to):

  • The partner organization uses the Library’s name and/or branding outside the parameters of the agreed upon association and without prior consent;
  • The organization develops a public image inappropriate to the Library’s services and/or objectives
  • The failure of the partner to deliver the agreed upon resources and services
  • Lack of Library or partner capacity; including staff time, space, or resources
  • Lack of strategic alignment between the partner organization and the Library’s strategic objectives.

General Terms of Acceptance

  1. The Library negotiates partnerships with, and accepts support from, the community in ways that will benefit and recognize the supporting parties while enabling the library to better achieve its mission without compromising its principles. The Library recognizes that companies support the library not only out of a desire to be good community members, but also with a hope of a return or benefit to the company.
  2. The Library does not accept any cash or gift of property, pledge of support or non-cash gift or services, or enter into any partnership with any company or other organization that produces goods or services that may be considered harmful or illegal for certain members of the community.
  3. The Library does not accept any kind of support from any company or organization that, in the judgment of the library, exploits certain members of the community in its product lines, advertising, marketing, and workforce or in any other way.
  4. The Library at all times maintains an independent position on issues and concerns.
  5. Any partnership must be in compliance with the Canadian Library Association’s Position Statement on Intellectual Freedom.
  6. The Library accepts support for collections, programs and services only when the content is to be determined by the Library in accordance with the Collections Policy.
  7. The Library does not accept any support that implies or requires endorsements of products.
  8. The Library Board reserves the right to terminate an existing partnership should conditions arise during the term of the partnership that result in it conflicting with this policy or that partnership no longer supports the best interests of the library.
  9. The library’s intangible intellectual assets, including its name and likeness, will be protected at all times.  Corporate partners will not be permitted to use the library’s name for commercial purposes or in connection with the promotion of any product.
  10. Any partnership agreement will not supersede any other Library or Library adopted Policy, including MFIPPA and the Conflict of Interest Act (RSO 1990, c.M50).


The policy was reviewed and approved by the Library Board on January 9, 2019. 

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