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Internet and Computer Use Policy

The Library provides computers for public use and access to the Internet for informational, educational and recreational purposes. The Library cannot control and is not responsible for the content of information obtained through the Internet and does not warrant that information accessed through the Internet is accurate, reliable, legal, or complete.

Intellectual Freedom 

The Peterborough Public Library endorses Canadian Library Association statement that “every person in Canada has the fundamental right to have access to all expressions of knowledge, creativity and intellectual activity.” The Internet is an information resource that allows the Library to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection, and it allows the Library, as a public access point, to provide an opportunity to any patron to access the Internet.

The Library is governed by the Canadian Copyright Act, the Criminal Code of Canada and other legislation governing access to expressions of knowledge and intellectual activity. Users are responsible for the legality of any sites they access.

Use of the Internet by Children

The Library supports the right and responsibility of parents or legal guardians to determine and monitor their children's use of Library materials and resources. The Library does not act in place of or in the absence of a parent and is not responsible for enforcing any restriction which a parent or guardian may place on a minor's use of the Internet.

While using the public computers, children aged 0-9 years must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The public computers in the children’s area are designated for use by children only.

The Library does not restrict the access of children to any information, resources and facilities in the Library, unless proscribed by legislation. As with other library materials, children's access to the Internet is the right and responsibility of parents or guardians.  

The public access computers in the Library are not filtered. No filtering system is completely effective or efficient and does not replace the supervision of a parent or guardian.

Acceptable Use of the Internet

The Library’s Internet should be used in a safe and legal manner. Among uses that are considered misuse, unacceptable, and constitute a violation of this Policy are the following:

  • Using, transmitting, downloading, or seeking inappropriate, offensive, vulgar, profane, suggestive, obscene, abusive, harassing, belligerent, threatening, defamatory (harming another's reputation by lies), pornographic or misleading language or materials.
  • Uses or activities that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law. This includes, for example:
    • Offering for sale or use any substance, the possession or use of which is prohibited by law.
    • Intentional communications with or visiting Internet sites featuring or promoting pornography, terrorism, espionage, hatred, theft, drugs or gambling or engaging in any other activity in violation of local, Provincial and Federal laws.
    • Intruding, or trying to intrude, into the folders, files, work, networks, or computers of others, or intercepting communications intended for others (commonly known as “hacking” or “sniffing”).
    • Uses that cause harm to others, damage to or taking of their property. 
    • Downloading or transmitting copyrighted materials without permission from the owner of the copyright materials. Examples include “pirated” software, music, videos, and other copyrighted works.  
    • Using another's password to gain access to the Internet, or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients.
    • Uploading a virus or other harmful component, corrupted data, or vandalizing any part of the Library or City Network.
    • Installing, modifying, deleting or downloading any software on the computer other than that as expressly licensed or approved by the Library.

The Peterborough Public Library reserves the right to implement and enforce usage procedures as necessary, including posting of rules and regulations, and to withdraw access privileges or impose other appropriate sanctions for those who do not comply with the protocols, rules, regulations or service provider agreement.

The policy was reviewed and approved by the Library Board on October 8, 2023

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