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Art Policy

The Peterborough Public Library recognizes the importance of culture and art in the community and provides space(s) that support the display of works of art, recognizing that the Library is neither a gallery space nor an art vendor. Free exhibit space supplies a venue for a number of educational and cultural experiences and contributes to creating a welcoming environment in the library.

The Library hosts temporary art exhibits for the purpose of enhancing educational and cultural experiences among residents of the City of Peterborough. The terms and conditions outlined below have been developed to ensure consistent and fair use of select areas within the Library as exhibit space. All prospective and approved exhibitors are subject to the terms and conditions defined by this policy.


  1. The Library retains the right to determine the suitability of any proposed exhibit and has final authority over the review, selection and arrangement of all exhibits, whether in whole or in part.
  2. Exhibits must be appropriate to the Library environment and not contravene federal or provincial laws and regulations or municipal by-laws.
  3. If an entire exhibit or any part of the same are determined to be unsuitable and not permitted, a request for reconsideration may be submitted to the Manager, Library Services in writing.
  4. Use of a Peterborough Public Library facility does not imply endorsement by the Library of the policies or activities of any individual or group.
  5. The display is limited to the area designated by the Library and will be accessible only during library hours of operation.
  6. Admission charges will not be levied by exhibitors.
  7. All artwork must be framed or mounted appropriately. The Library will supply the appropriate accessories (such as clips and cables) for use on the installed art rails. Use of adhesives is not permitted in the display area without Library administration approval.
  8. A master list including ownership, physical description and exhibitor contact information will be forwarded to the Library by the exhibitor prior to the opening of the exhibit.
  9. Exhibit descriptions and exhibitor contact and biographical information must accompany the exhibit. All relevant materials, such as an exhibit brochure, will be prepared by the artist in a professional format.
  10. No works shall be sold through the Library or commissions taken by the Library. All inquiries regarding art sales will be handled directly by the exhibitor. Receptions may be arranged in conjunction with Library administrative staff. Costs associated with the opening, including refreshments and any necessary permits, are the responsibility of the artist/exhibitor.


  1. Exhibitors will provide all required insurance coverage and arrange necessary supervision for their exhibits.
  2. The Peterborough Public Library will not be responsible for loss, theft or damage to exhibits while on library premises.
  3. Any property damage incurred at the Library as a result of visiting exhibits or displays will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
  4. The artist/owner is responsible for the installation and removal of exhibits at times confirmed at the time of booking. Any items not removed or left unclaimed will be returned to the exhibitor at their cost. 

The policy was reviewed and approved by the Library Board on May 7, 2024.

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