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Local Authors

We want to connect local readers with local authors.

The Local Authors Collection at the Main Library features a selection of locally-produced, self-published, or independent press works of fiction, non-fiction, music, or movies. Our Children's Area holds materials for a children's audience.

If you live or work in the city or county of Peterborough, you can submit your book using our Local Authors form. The library's collection team will review your submission and then follow up with you.

View our Local Authors Collection

Make your eBook available through CloudLibrary.

You also have the option to make your eBook (EPUB) available through our eBook lending platform, CloudLibrary. You can use an online publisher such as Draft2Digital or Ingram Spark to create and submit your eBook. These publishers then distribute the content to CloudLibrary and other digital platforms for libraries to purchase and make available to their members. If you already have a publisher, check with them about making your book available through CloudLibrary as an eBook.

After the library has approved your Local Author submission, staff will purchase and make your eBook available on a digital Local Authors shelf in CloudLibrary.

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